19 March 2021

It isn’t often that a business decision has the opportunity to save someone’s life, but that’s exactly what the Jodi Lee Workplace Program is doing – saving lives.

Nick Lee is Founder & Chair of the Jodi Lee Foundation. Nick’s future changed in an instant when his wife Jodi was diagnosed with Stage IV bowel cancer at age 39. After battling the disease for two years, Jodi passed away in 2010. Now Nick uses his story to motivate and inspire others to take steps to prevent bowel cancer and make positive changes to improve their health.

The Jodi Lee Foundation Workplace Program provides workplaces with the opportunity to educate their team members about the steps everyone can take to prevent bowel cancer and lead healthy lives.

Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death in Australia, but it doesn’t have to be.
Detected early, 99% of bowel cancer cases can be successfully treated or even prevented.

Read Emily’s story
Read Andre’s story
Read Lisa’s story
Read Kieran’s story
Read Megan’s story
Read Lucy’s story
Read Linda’s story
Read Kim’s story
Read Paul’s story

Enquire now – you might just save a colleague’s life.
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